Guides & Tours

Waldo Arms offers land-based tours to view polar bears from their two buses and can help connect visitors to other local tour businesses for a variety of experiences.

Land Based Polar Bear Tours

Waldo Arms provides a land-based tour from our two buses that will take you and other visitors down to the prime viewing spot for polar bears. Contact us to book a seat on the bus tour. Waldo Arms also partners with local tour businesses and guides to get you easily connected with some of the most incredible experiences Alaska has to offer.

In the months of September and October you can hop aboard one of these local guides’ tour boats for a polar bear viewing experience. These coastal tours offer a chance to see bears living on the barrier islands of Kaktovik or swimming along the shoreline.

Please note that as of Dec 22, 2022 the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has stated that no boat tour permits are available, so all boat tours have been canceled for the 2023 year.

Available Tour Operators

Below are some of our partners, contact us today to arrange an unforgettable encounter.

Akook Arctic Adventures

Jack Kayotuk and Steven Kazlowski

More Coming Soon

More Coming Soon

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